Bekasi Bot#7983
You can use this Bot to create an warn for someone and much more!
ABOUT THE PROJECT: So this Bot works for the needs of the admins. This bot is from Indonesia. INFO: #| Admin Commands: ( Required Permissions: ADMINISTRATOR ) ・Help = To see any commands. ・Warn = To warn someone. ・Warnings = To see what mistakes people have made. ・Clearwarnings = To erase someone's mistakes. ・Mute = To mute someone. ・Unmute = To stop mute people. ・Ban = Bans a User from the Server. ・SoftBan = Soft ban a user from the server. Removes all their messages from chat and kicks them. ・Kick = Kicks a user from the server. ・ Timeout = Give a user a time-out. ・ Removetimeout = Remove a timeout from a user. #| General Commands: ( Required Permissions: @everyone ) ・Ping = To see the ping of Bekasi Bot. ・Info-Bot = To view information about Bekasi Bot. ・Bekasi Website = To Get The Link Of Bekasi Website. ・Bekasi-List = To see in which website list is there a Bekasi bot to show. INSTRUCTIONS: Just invite this Bot and use it INVITATION: ・Invite = ・Alt-Invite = CODING: Coding With Node.js HOSTED Hosted With Replit.Com CREDITS: ・Created By = Hybird ・Supported By = Pasɐɐ