Halloween Bot#8934
HalloweenBot is the best Discord Bot for you & your servers with live events, mini games, livecountdown commands.
Prefix : hb! and /
Monthly votes : 0
Support Server
Halloween Bot: Welcome to HalloweenBots, We have now released Version 4.0.0! A long await!!! Overall we have now changed how most of our commands work. Don't worry some commands are the same. Non of our Bot Commands. But we have now added a few more things. - We have changed our Live Countdown Commands: /setup, /settime & /setlang. - Live Events: We have now worked on our new live event's run: /seteventconfig - Halloween Commands: The normal commands for Halloween are the same. - Bot Commands: These commands are now the same. Hope that sums up what I do, wanna invite me well go ahead its free I don't bite. Looking forward to be active and used in your server. See you around! Trick 'r Treat 🎃 🍬👻