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Prefix : t!
Tags : Moderation Fun ...
Monthly votes : 0
Support Server
Bot's website
🛠️ | [\|/] T_Moderator_Bot [\|/] - A multi-purpose bot that can help you improve your server at every cost! - To get a list of its commands, run the `t!help` command and it will provide you the categories provided above with its own sub help command! Also, to find information about a specific command, add the **help** argument next to it. Usage: `t!help`. - Stay tuned! You will be able to subscribe to updates in the future, but for now, you will have to use the `t!changelog` command to see the latest updates of the bot. - If you ever have any suggestions for the bot, make sure to run the `t!featurereq ` command to inform us about it! Also, any bugs encountered would be nice if you could report them using the `t!bugreport ` to ensure a better experience! - Hope you enjoy having our bot!