
Cyberblox: The New Roblox to discord Verification + More!

Vote (20)


Prefix : /

Monthly votes : 20



Support Server

Twitter account

## What Is Cyberblox?

**Cyberblox** is a **Roblox-Discord Bot** with much more than the standard verification, featuring lots of commands to help your group for free. Most features provided by **Cyberblox** have never been seen on a **Roblox-Discord Bot** before! 

## Commands!

#### Cyberblox Information Commands:
- `/vote` -vote for **Cyberblox!**
- `/ping` -Get **Cyberblox's** current ping!
- `/invite` -Add **Cyberblox** to your server!
- `/help` -Get helpful information about **Cyberblox!**

#### Verification Commands:
- `/verify [username]` -Verify your **Roblox account** on Discord!
- `/unverify` -Un-link your Roblox account with **Cyberblox**!
- `/update` -Update **all of your roles** in a server!

#### Roblox Information Commands:
- `/getassetinfo [assetid]` -Check **information on** a Roblox asset!
- `/groupinformation [groupid]` -Get information about a **Roblox group!**
- `/resaledata [assetid]` -Get the resale data of a roblox **Limited or Limited U item.**
- `/robloxinformation [username/userid]` -Get information **about a player** on Roblox!
- `/badgeinformation [badgeid]` -Get information about an **experience's badge** on Roblox!

#### Setup Commands:
- `/statchannels` -Set up **member counting** channels in your server!
- `/linkgroup [groupid] [updateroles]` -Link a **Roblox group** to your Discord server!
- `/logschannel [channel]` -Setup a logs channel for **Cyberblox** to send logs to!
- `/toggleverification [Enabled/Disabled]` -Toggle **automatic verification** in your server!

##### Get Support!
We understand that learning new **things may be challenging**. Like most Discord bots, we offer [free support]( to all users!